Annual Tilly Jane Cabins Wood Haul – Oct 5th
It’s that time of the year! Mark your calendars and join us in preparing the Tilly Jane cabins for winter use. Please join the all volunteer, Oregon Nordic Club for a day in the woods. Meet old friends and make new ones!
It’s been a busy summer season. Come up and see all the improvements including the addition of a new composting toilet and a newly resided cabin. We also rehabilitated the old Guard Station Garage. Bring your splitting maul, axes and a chainsaw if you have one. The cabins will be open Fri/Sat nights too. All volunteers earn a free weekend at one of the club/volunteer weekends during the winter season.
When: Saturday, October 5th, 2019: 9am-4pm
Where: Tilly Jane Cabins, Mt Hood
Bring: Sturdy work boots, clothing appropriate for the weather, splitting maul, chain saw – if you have them, a potluck dish to share for lunch (beverages will be provided by Base Camp Brewing and ONC)
We’ll be hauling and stacking the winter firewood supply, splitting the accumulated on-site wood supply around the cabins (we’ll have a wood splitter too) and performing general cabin maintenance work.
Bring your family and fellow cabin mates. See you on the hill.