Annual Tilly Jane Cabins Wood Haul – Oct 5th @ Tilly Jane Cabins
Oct 5 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Annual Tilly Jane Cabins Wood Haul - Oct 5th @ Tilly Jane Cabins

It’s that time of the year! Mark your calendars and join us in preparing the Tilly Jane cabins for winter use. Please join the all volunteer, Oregon Nordic Club for a day in the woods. Meet old friends and make new ones!

It’s been a busy summer season. Come up and see all the improvements including the addition of a new composting toilet and a newly resided cabin. We also rehabilitated the old Guard Station Garage. Bring your splitting maul, axes and a chainsaw if you have one. The cabins will be open Fri/Sat nights too. All volunteers earn a free weekend at one of the club/volunteer weekends during the winter season.

When: Saturday, October 5th, 2019: 9am-4pm
Where: Tilly Jane Cabins, Mt Hood
Bring: Sturdy work boots, clothing appropriate for the weather, splitting maul, chain saw – if you have them, a potluck dish to share for lunch (beverages will be provided by Base Camp Brewing and ONC)

We’ll be hauling and stacking the winter firewood supply, splitting the accumulated on-site wood supply around the cabins (we’ll have a wood splitter too) and performing general cabin maintenance work.

Bring your family and fellow cabin mates. See you on the hill.

Meet & Greet U.S. Olympic Downhill Skier Jackie Wiles @ Doug’s Sports
Nov 1 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

An exciting event — A meet and greet with US Ski Team Olympian Jacqueline Wiles! She is a native Oregonian and excited for the opportunity to meet local fans and ski enthusiasts.

Jackie was a key member of the fastest women’s downhill team in the world in 2017-18 and podiumed prior to suffering heartbreaking injuries that would sideline her for the 2018-19 season. Her relentless pursuit of a dream and tireless work in the gym has paid off – Jackie just returned to super-G and downhill gates at Ski Portillo Chile this month! In celebration of her return to racing, Jackie will be signing autographs and taking pictures with fans at this Directors Mortgage sponsored event hosted at Doug’s in Hood River.

2020 Meissner Classic Nordic Citizen Race and Tour @ MEISSNER SNO PARK, BEND, OR
Jan 5 all-day

Join Meissner Nordic on January 5 for the Inaugural 33K Mass Start Classic Nordic Citizen Race and Tour (1 loop) on the Meissner trails. The course covers almost all of the groomed trails in our system. Two classic tracks will be set. The course will be signed and the race timed.

• Two food and drink stations provided by Picky Bar.
• Coffee from Strictly Organic at the finish and treats for age groups (5 yr USSA age groups for Seniors and Masters and U-12, 14, 16, 18, 20 for Juniors), podiums and overall winners.

Costumes and silliness encouraged!

Suggested donation:
$15 to Meissner Nordic (for grooming) and OISRA Northern League (for timing and bibs)
Online registration will open December 1, 2019 at Webscorer.com

For more info contact: dhsmullin@gmail.com or 541-390-8957

Diamond Lake Resort Seniors Cross Country Ski & Snowshoe Program @ Diamond Lake Resort
Feb 3 @ 12:00 pm – Feb 6 @ 12:00 pm

Many SONC members attend the Seniors Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Program offered by Diamond Lake Resort.  Each year in February they reserve their lodge just for seniors participating in this program. You do not have to be accomplished in skiing or snowshoeing. They have lessons and tours for all abilities as well as a variety of other activities for everyone to enjoy.  Edgar Hee and Tom Dube, both SONC board members, will be offering ski lessons again this year.

The program consists of discounted lodging rates, a program fee that covers all activities, guided tours, lessons, one lunch, one hors d’oeuvres service and a buffet dinner each night.

For more information: https://digitalmarketing.blob.core.windows.net/6289/files/2020Senior’sCross-CountrySkiandSnowshoeProgram.pdf  Although this form states that to guarantee your participation you must contact Diamond Lake Resort by January 1st, if available, they will take reservations up until the event begins.

John Craig McKenzie Pass Nordic Ski & Pizza Party @ 6 mi. west of Sisters, OR, on Hwy. 242
Mar 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

This is an out (up) and back ski. Turn around at any time, or ski all the way to the Dee Wright Observatory for great views. We hope to set track to the observatory (snow levels permitting). Turn around no later than 2:00 P.M.! Please carry your own water, snacks, and extra clothing.

The 2020 John Day Award winner will be announced after 5:30 pm at the Potluck.  

Who: All XC skiers are welcome. 
When: Saturday, March 21, 2020  
Start: Anytime between 10AM and Noon.
Where: The east side snow gate on McKenzie Highway, approx. 6 mi west of Sisters on HWY 242. 
Parking: Parking at the start is limited so we encourage car pools.  You may leave cars in Sisters at the Ponderosa Inn if you carpool to the start. 
Recommended donation:   $10.00 per person. Jars available.  
Potluck:  4:00 pm Ponderosa Inn Conference Room. ONC will provide Pizza.  Bring something to share. BYOB dinner. The location for the potluck will be in the Ponderosa Conference Room.

The Annual ONC State meeting is 9:00 am Sunday, March 22th at the Ponderosa Inn. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Annual ONC State Meeting @ Ponderosa Inn, Sisters OR
Mar 22 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Annual ONC State Meeting @ Ponderosa Inn, Sisters OR

The Annual ONC State meeting is 9:00 am Sunday, March 22th at the Ponderosa Inn. Everyone is welcome to attend.

John Craig Memorial Ski Tour/Race, Saturday, March 19, 2022 @ East Snow Gate of Highway 242 (McKenzie Pass Highway), about 9 miles west of Sisters, Oregon
Mar 19 all-day
John Craig Memorial Site

John Craig Memorial Site

Save the Date

The John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour is scheduled for Saturday, March 19, 2022. This event, commemorating John Templeton Craig, the pioneer mailman who died during a sudden winter snowstorm on McKenzie Pass in December, 1877, in an attempt to deliver mail to the Willamette Valley.

For 2022, the John Craig Memorial Ski Event will consist of self-timed ski races of about 6 or 12 miles and casual ski tours of the same lengths. Ski racers and tourers can complete either the course of about 12 miles to the Dee Wright Memorial at the top of McKenzie Pass or a shorter of about 6-8 miles to Windy Point.

The event will take place on Saturday, March 19, leaving from the East Snow Gate of Highway 242 (McKenzie Pass Highway), about 9 miles west of Sisters, Oregon. The ski trail will be groomed to make this wilderness ski event possible. We plan to have course monitors, rest stops, rescue, and medical support.

Registration will be open starting on January 1, 2022. The cost of the event will be low, to encourage participation. Tentative prices are $20 for adults and $10 for 18 and under. We are also looking for volunteers to assist with the event, including publicity, registration, event support, communication, sponsorship, and a possible post event banquet/dinner.

For more information, please contact Ted Scheinman, John Craig Event Coordinator, at johncraigmemorial@onc.org or by phone at 503-914-9584, or go to the Oregon Nordic Club Website at www.onc.org.

2022 Annual ONC General Meeting @ Zoom - Link TBA April 10th
Apr 11 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2022 Annual ONC General Meeting @ Zoom - Link TBA April 10th

The Annual General Meeting of the ONC will be held on April 11 at 7 PM via a zoom meeting.  All ONC members are invited and encouraged to attend this call.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://mhcc.zoom.us/j/99724939095
Meeting ID: 997 2493 9095
Topic: Oregon Nordic Club State Board Meeting 
Time: Apr 11, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

The Agenda for the meeting is:

  • President’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Recap of the John Craig Event
  • Discussion regarding update of Klindt Vielbig Guidebook Cross-Country Ski Routes Oregon.

The Board of Directors and Chapter Reps will meet following the Annual General Meeting.

2023 John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour @ Highway 242 (McKenzie Pass Highway) East Snow Gate
Mar 18 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour, Saturday, March 18, 2023
A skiing tradition since the 1930’s

The John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour is scheduled for Saturday, March 18, 2023. This event commemorates John Templeton Craig, the pioneer mailman who died during a sudden winter snowstorm on McKenzie Pass in December, 1877, in an attempt to deliver mail to the Willamette Valley. The Oregon Nordic Club conducts this annual event.

For 2023, the John Craig Memorial Ski Event will consist of self-timed ski races of about 6 or 12 miles and casual ski tours of the same lengths. The event will take place on Saturday, March 18, leaving from the East Snow Gate of Highway 242 (McKenzie Pass Highway), about 9 miles west of Sisters, Oregon. The ski trail is scheduled to be groomed for both skate and classic to make this historic ski event possible. We plan to have course monitors, rest stops, rescue, and medical support.

Ski racers and tour participants can complete either the course of about 12 miles to the Dee Wright Memorial at the top of McKenzie Pass, a shorter course of about 6-8 miles to Windy Point, or turn around when you wish. The races and tours can start any time after 9 AM but must begin by noon, to make sure you complete the event by 4 PM,

Registration: https://onc-pdx.org/events/john-craig-memorial-ski-race-and-tour-2023/
Early registration cost, before March 15 is as follows:
Adult racer or ski tourer $20
Youth (under 18) $5
No need to be a member of the Oregon Nordic Club to participate.

Pizza Party: Beginning at 3 PM, there will be a free post event pizza party in Sisters, sponsored by Next Adventure. Details will be provided to registered participants.

Lodging: Discounted Lodging at Left Coast Lodge and Sisters Inn & Suites in Sisters.

For more information, please contact Ted Scheinman, John Craig Event Coordinator, at johncraigmemorial@onc.org or by phone at 503-914-9584 or go to the Oregon Nordic Club Website at www.onc.org. No need to be a member of the Oregon Nordic Club to participate.

2024 John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour @ Highway 242 (McKenzie Pass Highway) East Snow Gate
Mar 16 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour, Saturday, March 18, 2024
A skiing tradition since the 1930’s

The John Craig Memorial Ski Race and Tour is scheduled for Saturday, March 16, 2024. This event commemorates John Templeton Craig, the pioneer mailman who died during a sudden winter snowstorm on McKenzie Pass in December, 1877, in an attempt to deliver mail to the Willamette Valley. The Oregon Nordic Club conducts this annual event.

For 2024, the John Craig Memorial Ski Event will consist of self-timed ski races of about 6 or 12 miles and casual ski tours of the same lengths. The event will take place on Saturday, March 16, leaving from the East Snow Gate of Highway 242 (McKenzie Pass Highway), about 9 miles west of Sisters, Oregon. The ski trail is scheduled to be groomed for both skate and classic to make this historic ski event possible. We plan to have course monitors, rest stops, rescue, and medical support.

Ski racers and tour participants can complete either the course of about 12 miles to the Dee Wright Memorial at the top of McKenzie Pass, a shorter course of about 6-8 miles to Windy Point, or turn around when you wish. The races and tours can start any time after 11 AM but must begin by noon, to make sure you complete the event by 3 PM,

Registration: https://onc-pdx.org/events/john-craig-memorial-ski-race-and-tour-2024/
Early registration cost, before March 12 is as follows:
Adult racer or ski tourer $20
Youth (under 18) $5
No need to be a member of the Oregon Nordic Club to participate.

Pizza Party: Beginning at 3:30 PM, there will be a free post event pizza party in Sisters, sponsored by Next Adventure. Details will be provided to registered participants.

Lodging: Discounted Lodging at Left Coast Lodge and Sisters Inn & Suites in Sisters. Details will be provided with registration.

For more information, please contact Ted Scheinman, John Craig Event Coordinator, at johncraigmemorial@onc.org, or by phone at 503-914-9584, or go to the Oregon Nordic Club Website at www.onc.org. No need to be a member of the Oregon Nordic Club to participate.