SONC December General Meeting, Tuesday, December 12th, 7-9pm
There are several presenters for the December SONC General meeting:
Mark Stonick will share some favorite trails in the Summit Trail system and go over some of the trail characteristics.
Mary Smelzer – Ski packs and contents.
Bob Plummer – History of grooming of the Hyatt Lake / Buck Prairie trails and SONC’s partnership with BLM.
Kevin Wood – Addition of local ski trails to map software.
There will be a table set up to display used ski gear or clothing that members would like to sell or give away. This is an opportunity to repurpose ski gear/clothing that you may no longer have a use for. We just ask that everything is removed at the end of the meeting.
Previous members can renew, or new members can become members by going to our website and paying online or you can pay by cash or check. If you prefer to pay at the Tuesday general meeting someone can help you then. An individual or family annual membership is $20. A liability waiver will need to be signed. This is also available on the SONC website or there will be forms at the meeting. We would like to receive membership dues by the end of December.
There will be a raffle and refreshments.
Hope to see you there,
Tom Dube
SONC President
What: SONC General Meeting
When: 7:00 pm Thur, Jan 11
Where: Talent Library, 101 Home St, Talent, OR
The speaker for the January SONC General meeting will be Ryan Sandler, Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service, who will cover the following topics:
An Introduction to the National Weather Service (NWS)
NWS Forecasts (Text, Tables, and Graphs)
How to Find Current Snow Conditions (Satellite, Observations, Webcams)
How to Find Road Conditions
El Nino and the Seasonal Outlook
Remember that you can display used ski gear or clothing that you no longer have a use for. There will be a table set up for this purpose. Anything not sold or given away must be picked up at the end of the meeting. Thanks.
There will be a raffle and refreshments.
Hope to see you there.
* Upcoming meeting dates – Note that due to the Library meeting room availability, this meeting is on Thursday and not Tuesday as previously scheduled for the November and December meetings.
FYI – February meeting date is Thur, 2/15.
March meeting date is Thur, 3/15
*Upcoming MLK Holiday weekend Ski outing – Look for an email message next week regarding a club ski outing/pizza feed during the MLK Holiday weekend. Date and location TBD dependent on weather and snow conditions. There are several storms coming through this week resulting in snow accumulation in the Siskiyou and Cascade Mountains with snow levels dropping down to the foothills of the valley this weekend. We will also provide an update at the Thursday meeting next week. It’s a good time to inspect your ski equipment and wax your skis if you haven’t already .
Tom Dube
SONC President
SONC February General Meeting
Thursday, February 15, 2024, 7-9pm
SONC March General Meeting
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 7-9pm
Mar 16 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
To all current and former SONC members,

What: SONC Fall potluck to kickoff the 2024 – 2025 season
When: Sunday, Oct 20, 2024, 1 to 4 pm
Where: North Mountain Park Nature Center Pavilion (covered area)
620 North Mountain Ave, Ashland, OR
Club is providing: Pizza, cold drinks, and napkins.
What to bring:
- A side, salad or dessert to share.
- Your own plates, cups, and eating/serving utensils.
- No electric outlet is available.
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
This is a good opportunity to visit with other SONC members and start planning winter outings.
The first SONC general meeting of the 2024 – 2025 season will be Wednesday, Nov 13 at 7 pm, Talent Library, 101 Home St, Talent, OR. The December meeting will return to our usual day – the second Tuesday of the month, December 10, 2024. Depending on availability of the Talent Library, we hope to get the second Tuesday of each month for the rest of the season.
Membership dues remain at $20 per household for the 2024 – 2025 season. We would like to receive dues by the end of December. You can pay by cash or check at the potluck, electronically on the club website, mail a check to Linda Harris (see website for the address), or bring cash or check to the November or December general meeting.
We hope to see you at the potluck,

The first SONC general meeting of the 2024 – 2025 season will be Wednesday, Nov 13 at 7 pm, Talent Library, 101 Home St, Talent, OR. The December meeting will return to our usual day – the second Tuesday of the month, December 10, 2024. Depending on availability of the Talent Library, we hope to get the second Tuesday of each month for the rest of the season.
Membership dues remain at $20 per household for the 2024 – 2025 season. We would like to receive dues by the end of December. You can pay by cash or check at the potluck, electronically on the club website, mail a check to Linda Harris (see website for the address), or bring cash or check to the November or December general meeting.
Think snow!

Membership dues remain at $20 per household for the 2024 – 2025 season. We would like to receive dues by the end of December. You can pay by cash or check at the meeting; electronically on the club website ; or mail a check to Linda Harris (see website for the address). All members must complete and sign the member form each year.
At the meeting there will be a table set up where you can display ski gear or clothing that you no longer need. Anything not sold or given away must be removed at the end of the meeting. Thanks..
There will be refreshments at intermission and an opportunity to visit with fellow skiers.
SONC January General Meeting, Tuesday, January 14th, 7-9pm
There will be a raffle and refreshments. Hope to see you there.
An individual or family annual membership is $20. A liability waiver, available online or at the meeting, will need to be signed.
An overview and highlights of the Summit area trails presented by SONC member, Mark Stonick
– and –
Recreation on federal lands: history, agency differences, challenges, and some fun facts presented by retired US Forester and SONC member, John Schuyler
There will be refreshments at intermission and an opportunity to visit with fellow skiers.
***You can display used ski gear or clothing that you no longer have a use for. There will be a table set up for this purpose. Anything not sold or given away must be removed at the end of the meeting. Thanks.
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